From flabby arms, to toned arms – How to lose arm fat

There’s something about the excess fat under the arms that makes some people feel insecure about their body image. Maybe it’s that lossy, goosey look under the arms.

To improve the overall appearance of those flabby arms and give them that nice toned look, Rebecca-Louise , in conjunction with XHit Daily, shares her 12 minute workout designed to battle those flabby arms. In the video, Rebecca uses 3 lbs dumbbells to target not just the back of the arms (aka the triceps) but also the shoulders and biceps.

via XHit Daily

If you don’t have dumbbells, don’t worry, you can use a full bottle of water or even a can of beans. You can use just about anything that will give you resistance.

Below is a list of the exercises used in the video:

  1. standing V raises
  2. shoulder press
  3. kickbacks
  4. tricep extensions
  5. in and ou curls
  6. inside curls
  7. reverse flys
  8. havyk raises
  9. dips
  10. pushups
  11. reverse curls
  12. curl holds

Each exercise will be repeated 15 times.

Also I want to point out that in order to go from flabby arms to nice tone arms, not only will you need to exercise your arms, but you will also need to watch your calorie intake. In other words, you will need cut back on eating knacks, sodas and other unhealthy foods.

If you stay focused and committed to exercising your arms regularly and eating healthy, you will start seeing results in a few weeks.

Interested in doing more short workouts? Then download my FREE “Short Workouts Guide“. This guide features the 10 minute workout, I used to help me get in shape. Click Here to get it now!

Also if you know of someone who can benefit from this post, please share it with them on Facebook and Twitter.

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